UPDATED 04/27/2022
Coronavirus Response
If you’re wondering if we are open during the coronavirus pandemic, the answer is yes! There are some changes to our operations.
To enter our office, you must be wearing a mask. Please bring your own face covering to your appointment. We will have limited coverings to provide, and you will be asked to wear one while walking around in the office.
Arrival Process
Our waiting room is now open, you must wear a mask while waiting to be brought back.
Symptom Screening
Both patients and staff who may be experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 are not permitted to enter our office. These include
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Loss or decreased sense of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Body aches
- Shaking chills
- Persistent headache
We thank all of our patients for their understanding through these unprecedented times. We ask that you remain patient while we work to make every effort to see and treat our patients.
We look forward to seeing you
What we are doing to keep you safe
As always, your health and safety are our top priority. We do everything we can to keep you safe, this includes the following:
- · Rooms are completely sanitized before and after each patient, barriers are used to cover surfaces.
- · Restrooms are cleaned and sanitized frequently throughout the day.
- · All operatories have air purifiers with UV light to kill and filter out bacteria and viruses.
- · We are using high volume evacuation precautions to keep aerosols to a minimum during patient appointments
- · Our team always has and continues to strictly follow the guidelines set forth by the CDC, OSHA, WISHA and the ADA in regards to personal protective equipment (PPE) and office sterilization
- · During patient care, goggles or face shields will be worn by providers and sanitized between patients.
- · Hand sanitizer will be available for use throughout office
- · Patients will wear a mask when in public areas of the office
- · Patients as well as employees will be asked to stay home if presenting with any symptoms of illness
- · Patients and employees will be asked to stay home if someone in their home is sick with Coronavirus
- · All surfaces that came in contact with the patient will be wiped with disinfectant including the patient chair, pens, clipboards, etc.
- · Clear panels will be in place at the front desk to protect employees and patients
- · After every transaction, the checkout desk and glass will be wiped with a disinfectant
We are proceeding with an abundance of caution, because we want you to feel safe and confident that any visit you make to our office will be a safe one.